Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

2016-03-08 10:30:00 | Karen Cummings | focus,small business marketing,startups

There are always new trends in business. In the past few years we’ve seen great importance placed on company culture, digital marketing, customer service and so much more. Business is changing all of the time. But does that mean you need to jump on every trend?


Visual Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

Visual Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

2016-02-22 15:15:14 | |


An image post uses a visual element as the centerpiece of your post, such as a SlideShare presentation, infographic, comic, or high-resolution images.

Use your introduction to provide a caption for your image(s). Why is it valuable? What’s the point? Image posts don’t require a lot of text, so choose your words wisely.

Here are some examples of how we use Visual blog posts here at HubSpot:

  • A Visual History of Google Algorithm Changes [Infographic]
  • Can a Career in B2B Marketing Be Fulfilling? [SlideShare]
  • A Sampling of the Sexiest Business Blogs on the Internet
  • (more…)

    6 Dos and Don’ts of Healthcare Social Media Marketing [Summary]

    6 Dos and Don’ts of Healthcare Social Media Marketing [Summary]

    2016-01-14 04:00:44 | radiantmarketing | small business marketing

    It can be challenging to navigate the social media waters in the healthcare industry. Despite its challenges, businesses in healthcare have the opportunity to stand out among the rest and communicate with patients to impact their bottom line using social media.


    3 Common Misconceptions about Inbound Marketing

    3 Common Misconceptions about Inbound Marketing

    2016-07-18 23:27:32 | radiantmarketing | inbound marketing

    Just a few years ago, marketing departments were telling people what they “had to have”. But those days are gone. In today’s world, consumers know what they want, and more importantly, they know how to find it. They use the Internet to educate themselves about various products and services so they can make informed buying decisions.


    5 Habits of Highly Successful People

    5 Habits of Highly Successful People

    2016-07-18 22:02:16 | radiantmarketing |

    Having a difficult time making it from point A to point B? It might be time to reach the conclusion that something in the way you are doing things just isn’t cutting it. But what is it exactly that’s keeping you from reaching your goals? Sometimes it might not be an obvious answer, but just a behavior that should be tweaked, or a change in mindset that might steer you in the right direction. Being successful may not be easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here are six habits of highly successful people that you may want to incorporate into your own life.


    4 Blogs That Will Inspire the Successful Entrepreneur Inside You

    4 Blogs That Will Inspire the Successful Entrepreneur Inside You

    2016-07-18 21:39:43 | radiantmarketing | entrepreneur

    Business advisors, life coaches, and other motivational speakers often tout the idea that for you to succeed, you need to model yourself after someone who is successful at doing what you want to do. Although this idea may seem a bit cliché because each person’s pathway to success will differ, it has its merits. One way to learn about the tips, tricks, mistakes, and best practices of successful entrepreneurs is by reading their blogs. Here are four inspiring entrepreneur’s blogs that will help you forge your own path to success.


    Beat Distractions with these 3 Tips on Staying Focused at Work

    Beat Distractions with these 3 Tips on Staying Focused at Work

    2016-07-14 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,entrepreneur,focus

    You’re sitting at your desk and Google effective tips for staying focused at work.  As you open up one article, you see Justin Timberlake is trending and click to find out why.  Now, you are in YouTube watching some of your favorite music videos that you haven’t seen for a long time.  You text your friend about that concert you went to back in college and go back and forth about weekend plans.  You open up Instagram and stay there for who knows how long.  Then, you realize you have 67 emails in your inbox. 


    3 Ways You Can Prevent Work Burnout

    3 Ways You Can Prevent Work Burnout

    2016-07-12 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | Business,entrepreneur,focus

    We’ve all been there. The to-do list is growing instead of shrinking, you’re starting to get overwhelmed, and the only thing you can think about is how many more minutes until you can leave and go home.


    4 Steps to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion

    4 Steps to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion

    2016-06-30 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | business tips,website

    Landing pages are a very important tool in inbound marketing practices. They help you sell people on your product or service, and if they’re great, they can sell a lot! But how do you know if your landing page is going to be effective or not? There are so many factors that go into a landing page, and it can be difficult to determine what you should and should not be including. (more…)