Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

2016-03-08 10:30:00 | Karen Cummings | focus,small business marketing,startups

There are always new trends in business. In the past few years we’ve seen great importance placed on company culture, digital marketing, customer service and so much more. Business is changing all of the time. But does that mean you need to jump on every trend?

Some of these trends can be more appropriate for your business than others. So it’s okay to incorporate these trends into your business when it’s clear you’ll benefit from them. But you can’t lose focus of your business’s operations and goals every time a new fad comes rolling around. Because we all know it’s just a matter of time before the next one arrives.

When it comes to business, we can’t afford to lose focus. There are always deadlines to meet, goals to reach, and other daily tasks and responsibilities that we can’t let fall through the cracks. To put it simply, businesses thrive on focus.

Focus is particularly important when it comes to successful marketing for your business. The reason your business can’t afford to jump on every trend is because not every trend applies to your business, just as your business itself doesn’t apply to every consumer in the market. Focus is key in marketing because in trying to appeal to everyone, you’re essentially appealing to no one.

Every smart marketer knows that two vital questions to ask yourself when developing a campaign are “What is the goal of this campaign?” and “Who are we trying to reach?” This is because effective marketing is specific and direct. You want to be spending your marketing dollars on your target audience, not wasting it on people who might not need your product or service.

It can be easy to think that by getting your message out to the greatest number of people it will result in the greatest number of conversions, but this unfortunately, is not the truth. Remember to focus on your specific audience for the greatest ROI.