Does Influencer Marketing Really Work

Does Influencer Marketing Really Work

2022-10-25 15:41:39 | Lauren Karwoski | Instagram,building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing


Does Influencer Marketing Really Work?

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it can seem like new strategies are popping up every month. One newer strategy that has stuck and gained traction over the last few years is ‘influencer marketing.’ This genre of social media marketing has shown proven results time and time again and has begun to get more refined and structured as the popularity of influencer culture increases worldwide. 


Content Marketing for Small Business: The Power of Emotion

Content Marketing for Small Business: The Power of Emotion

2018-10-25 14:00:00 | Karen Cummings | content strategy,marketing tips

When was the last time you saw an email subject line that made you smile (they get me almost every time!) and then open it? When was the last time you discovered a blog post that spoke to your passions, values or beliefs – and read every word until the end? How about a website or Instagram account that made you LOL – and share with a friend? These small interactions with brands inspire an emotional connection and experience that can often lead to a powerful relationship with consumers. (more…)

Finding and Using Your Brand Voice

brand voice

Finding and Using Your Brand Voice

2022-08-15 13:37:35 | Lauren Karwoski | building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing

Studies have found that consumers prefer brands with strong, unique personalities and great storytelling. Establishing a strong brand voice is truly the secret to making your brand come to life.


How To Write a Blog

How To Write a Blog

2022-09-26 12:48:27 | Lauren Karwoski | building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing

How To Write a Blog

Meta, isn’t it? Reading a blog…about how to write a blog. In marketing, brands often underestimate just how impactful adding a frequently updated blog to their website can be. Not only does it provide another opportunity to convey and solidify your brand voice, but it can play an important part in search engine optimization (SEO).


How Being a Digital Nomad Transformed Me into a Better Marketer

How Being a Digital Nomad Transformed Me into a Better Marketer

2023-07-20 19:07:31 | Lauren Karwoski | content strategy,creative ideas,girlboss,work life balance

Curious about what it takes to be a digital nomad? Is the stress of travel and threat of distractions really worth it? Or can it teach you some fundamentals about who you are and what you bring to the table in your profession? Radiant’s Content Strategist Lauren Karkowski shares her experience below!


Content Marketing Methods to Dazzle & Attract

Content Marketing Methods to Dazzle & Attract

2017-02-24 13:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | content strategy,creative ideas

In a vast sea of free e-books, blog posts and infographics, how are you keeping your marketing afloat?  There’s a reason so many businesses turn to content marketing: great content fuels efforts to reach and engage customers at every single stage of the buying process. (more…)

2 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Your Content Marketing

2 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Your Content Marketing

2017-03-10 11:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | content strategy

“Are you making content or making a difference?”Jay Baer, Inspirational Marketing Speaker and Best-Selling Author

As a content marketer, I’ve got 99 problems.  But having enough content isn’t one.  Some of the biggest content challenges and hurdles I face are making sure that every single piece of content is valuable and high-quality. This is especially challenging as online content tends to have a very short shelf life.  Even the most brilliant content can have a fleeting lifespan and impact. (more…)

All Entrepreneurs Need These 3 Killer Content Marketing Resources

All Entrepreneurs Need These 3 Killer Content Marketing Resources

2017-03-17 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | content strategy,inspiration

You already know that the internet is flooded with great content.  Staying sharp with your content marketing is important to rise above all the noise.  Everywhere you turn, someone seems to have the secret sauce to content marketing.  

It’s critical to spend some serious time sharpening your skills to be as efficient as possible.  To help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed, we’ve scoured the web to identify 3 of the best content marketing resources you should be reading. (more…)

2 Content Marketing eBooks That Are Total Game Changers

2 Content Marketing eBooks That Are Total Game Changers

2017-06-08 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | content strategy,marketing strategy

We’ve said it once, we’ll say it a thousand times more: content is king. It’s the fire that fuels your digital marketing efforts, bringing leads out of the woodwork and instilling in them a burning passion for your products.

Is your business struggling to adopt an effective content marketing strategy? We’ve all been there.  The truth is, creating valuable content is a skill that has to be learned, especially if you’re on a tight marketing budget. That’s why we’re sharing with you our three favorite content marketing eBooks. (more…)

How to Create a Stellar Content Marketing Plan in 3 Steps

How to Create a Stellar Content Marketing Plan in 3 Steps

2018-10-12 01:54:31 | Khylie Gardner | content strategy,marketing tips

When you’re on a budget, a good content marketing plan can make or break your business. It is one of the most efficient ways to create brand awareness, nurture relationships with your target audiences, and attract new leads to your business.  When it’s done well, a content marketing strategy can help to boost the traffic to your business’s website, increase your following on social media, and create brand-loyal customers who stick with your business for years to come. (more…)