2 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Your Content Marketing

2 Ways to Get the Most Out Of Your Content Marketing

2017-03-10 11:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | content strategy

“Are you making content or making a difference?”Jay Baer, Inspirational Marketing Speaker and Best-Selling Author

As a content marketer, I’ve got 99 problems.  But having enough content isn’t one.  Some of the biggest content challenges and hurdles I face are making sure that every single piece of content is valuable and high-quality. This is especially challenging as online content tends to have a very short shelf life.  Even the most brilliant content can have a fleeting lifespan and impact.  

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.” – Benjamin Franklin

How can you improve your content’s lifespan?  Let’s talk developing a sustainable content marketing strategy—one that allows you to focus your energy on creating content that lasts, without overextending your resources.  

Try these 2 content marketing tips to extend your content’s time in the limelight.  

Repackage Old Content

Repurposing old content will go a long way  in ensuring your content marketing strategy doesn’t disappear into the abyss.  There’s no need to write off old content as an archaic lost cause.  You’ve already invested lots of your energy and time into a piece of content that may have lost its relevance.  Why not try to pick out what part of it may be holding it back?  It could be your past content is a little off brand if your business’ message has evolved.  Or the stats included could be running a bit stale.  Tweaking what doesn’t work can help you extend the life out of otherwise extinct pieces.  

“Create something people want to share.” – John Jantsch

Make it Evergreen

We live in an era of flash-in-the-pan trends.  Breaking news at breakfast could be old news long forgotten by dinner. (Remember the #blueandblack vs. #whiteandgold dress debate of 2015?) Although it is always important to stay relevant, you don’t want to have your content marketing focused too much on trending topics your audience may be tired of hearing about before you’ve even gained any traction.  Instead of churning out trendy pieces of content, think about how long your piece will last before you start creating.  Focus on creating evergreen content—content that is always relevant, regardless of trends and passing dates.  Evergreen content will ensure you always have something useful and interesting to share with your audience.  

 “Without strategy, content is just stuff, and the world has enough stuff.” – Arjun Basu

You probably won’t be very successful if you just create content to check a box.  Passion needs to be in every piece you write and it’s crucial to make sure it’s always something your prospects and customers really need.  

Sometimes we find ourselves in a creative funk when it comes to creating content.  Here are some of our awesomely effective techniques to keep creative burnout in check.  



Does your business depend on your online presence to drive new customers? Or engage existing and returning customers?  If so, you may already be familiar with the power of engaging and creative content.  From an inbound perspective, content should be used to attract visitors, convert those visitors into leads and close those leads into customers.

If your content isn’t currently doing this for you, it’s time to make a change! Create content that inspires, instructs and encourages action.  Discover content to inspire your prospects to take action! 
