The Latest in Instagram, Video Marketing, and Google AdWords

The Latest in Instagram, Video Marketing, and Google AdWords

2016-08-10 22:49:01 | radiantmarketing | Trending,small business marketing,social media marketing

As the great Bob Dylan said, “Things they are a changin’.” As one more month of 2016 passed many marketing strategies and tactics have had to change as a result of various marketing platform updates.


What’s New with MailChimp, Google and Facebook?

What’s New with MailChimp, Google and Facebook?

2016-07-07 16:34:55 | Brooke Kwasny | Trending,email marketing,social media marketing

June saw some major changes in the digital marketing world. Social media platforms made updates, email marketing services aimed to be even more effective, and advertising online might have just become a little bit more difficult.


What You Need to Know About Facebook Lead Ads

What You Need to Know About Facebook Lead Ads

2016-05-23 13:00:00 | radiantmarketing | social media marketing

Looking to generate leads through your social media marketing efforts? It’s time to start using Facebook Lead Ads. Lead ads are ads you can publish on Facebook that help you acquire leads for your business.


The Meteoric Rise Of Instagram As A Marketing Platform

The Meteoric Rise Of Instagram As A Marketing Platform

2016-01-18 12:58:23 | radiantmarketing | Business,social media marketing


Powerful Instagram Tips for Your Small Business

Powerful Instagram Tips for Your Small Business

2016-10-13 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | business tips,social media marketing

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool.  But the key is finding the right outlet that will reach and engage your target market.  So how do you choose?  Make sure you ask yourself these 3 questions before you start another social media account.   (more…)