Learn Coding and Love Life (why even knowing a teeny bit of code can make your life easier)

Learn Coding and Love Life (why even knowing a teeny bit of code can make your life easier)

2016-09-29 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,business tips,small business marketing

As an entrepreneur, there are many skills you must possess.  From business development to accounting, there are dozens of skills necessary to build a successful company.  And if your business leverages technology, learning to code should be added to your list of skills needed for success.  


4 Tips to Finding Your Voice in an Online World

4 Tips to Finding Your Voice in an Online World

2016-10-20 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | business tips,website

It can be a struggle to stay hyper-focused on your brand as you set out to reach your target audience.  In fact, many small business owners say that it’s a lifelong task to truly find your voice as a business owner and creator.  It can take some time to build an online presence and trust your own voice. (more…)

3 Steps to the Most Productive Day Ever

3 Steps to the Most Productive Day Ever

2016-11-10 11:00:00 | radiantmarketing | business tips,productivity

We all know someone who is just  naturally productive. They wake up in the morning ready to tackle the day ahead of them, and rarely need more than a single cup of coffee before they are out of the door. They accomplish all of their goals and meet every deadline. To put it simply, they are productivity wizards. (more…)

5 Ways Online Surveys Do Wonders for Your Business

5 Ways Online Surveys Do Wonders for Your Business

2017-04-27 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | business tips,small business marketing

Since the days of ad agencies and Mad Men, surveys have allowed marketers to gauge the opinions, concerns, and feelings of their customers. As the marketing world continues to become increasingly digital in nature, online surveys have created an easy way for marketers to routinely survey customers. (more…)

3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Writing a Small Business Plan

3 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Writing a Small Business Plan

2018-03-15 15:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | business tips,small business

If starting a small business was easy, everyone would do it – but they don’t, because it isn’t. The truth is that there isn’t one right way to get started with a small business, and there’s no recipe for instant success (though if you discover one, please let us in on your secrets). Some businesses succeed while others fail, and it can be almost impossible to know which way the cards will fall. (more…)

Brand Success: The Difference Between Goals and Metrics

Brand Success: The Difference Between Goals and Metrics

2021-07-13 15:00:00 | Sean McMullen | business tips,marketing strategy

Success begins with determining where you are and where you want to be. 


3 Mindset Shifts that Changed My Life [Podcast]

3 Mindset Shifts that Changed My Life [Podcast]

2022-03-30 18:37:51 | radiantmarketing | business tips,entrepreneur,work life balance
Karen Cummings, Radiant Founder + CEO, joined Carla Reeves on Differently, sharing three mindset shifts that have changed her life. Life is never free of challenges, but the way we move through the challenges and show up to the different seasons of our lives can make all the difference.


Should You Hire an Agency or an Intern? [Quick Assessment]

Should You Hire an Agency or an Intern? [Quick Assessment]

2019-03-29 20:37:36 | Karen Cummings | building your brand,business tips

Should you hire a marketing intern or a digital marketing agency to handle your business marketing needs? (more…)

You Can Do it All: Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

You Can Do it All: Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

2018-05-11 19:45:01 | Khylie Gardner | business tips,productivity

Is your to-do list getting the better of you? Many small business owners report feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or just generally bogged down by the number of tasks that they need to accomplish.

It doesn’t need to be this way! If you’re struggling to check things off of your list, these three time management tips can put your never-ending task-list into perspective so you can start accomplishing your goals now. (more…)

Social Media for Small Business: How Do You Decide Where to Share?

Social Media for Small Business: How Do You Decide Where to Share?

2018-04-30 20:02:31 | Khylie Gardner | business tips,facebook

The number one mistake that small businesses make on social media? Trying to do it all! It makes sense: there are companies who have entire teams dedicated to producing around-the-clock, multi-platform content.

If you’re just getting started or don’t have the ability to hire a full-time social media manager, then there’s no reason for you to have a presence on every single social media platform. Chances are, having 20 lackluster profiles will do a disservice to your brand, when 1 or 2 accounts would be a huge bonus. The key in nailing social media for small business is deciding where to share. (more…)