Social Media for Small Business: How Do You Decide Where to Share?
The number one mistake that small businesses make on social media? Trying to do it all! It makes sense: there are companies who have entire teams dedicated to producing around-the-clock, multi-platform content.
If you’re just getting started or don’t have the ability to hire a full-time social media manager, then there’s no reason for you to have a presence on every single social media platform. Chances are, having 20 lackluster profiles will do a disservice to your brand, when 1 or 2 accounts would be a huge bonus. The key in nailing social media for small business is deciding where to share.
Having active accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat, Periscope, etc. is a lot! How do you decide where to prioritize your time on the internet in order to get the most bang for your buck (and your time)? Here’s what we think:
There are two main things that small businesses should consider when deciding to open a new social media account:
Although it’s true that people of every age, gender, and race are on social media, it’s also true that every social media platform has an audience that is innately drawn to it. Some platforms are popular for professionals and others are popular for teenagers. If you have a solid idea of who your audience is, you can pick a platform where you know they will be most likely to engage with your content.
Different platforms have their strengths and weaknesses. If you are looking to build out your brand, Instagram may be a good platform. If you’re interested in creating a space for interactions with customers, Facebook may be better. It’s possible that more than one platform will suit your needs, but going into account creation with clear goals will allow you to make more strategic social media decisions.
Does the prospect of thinking strategically about the pros and cons of various social media platforms make you want to throw your hands in the air and forget it all? We get it. Here’s a down-and-dirty guide to all of the most popular social media platforms:
With these tips, starting a your strategic plan for social media for small business will be much easier. If you take the time to lay a good foundation, you’re sure to choose the platform that’s right for you.