Promoting Mental Health and Wellness through Social Media Campaigns

Promoting Mental Health and Wellness through Social Media Campaigns

2023-12-15 16:47:56 | Lauren Karwoski | marketing strategy,marketing tips,mental health,small business marketing,social media marketing

The bad news: demand for mental health care across the country has skyrocketed in recent years – including support for anxiety, depression, trauma and stress-related disorders. An increase in demand primarily attributed to the enduring impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

New research from the American Psychology Association shows that psychologists cannot meet the growing demands for mental health care, with 56% of those surveyed stating they have no openings for new patients and wait lists reaching three months and more.

The mental health of individuals, our community and our country should not rely solely on psychologists

The good news: Healthcare brands have a unique opportunity to leverage social media to advocate for mental well-being and share valuable and critical resources. These brands can play a crucial role in shaping the narrative around mental health.

By actively promoting mental health information, your brand can contribute significantly to bridging the widening gap in accessible mental health care while fostering a supportive and informed online community.


The Psychology of Color in Wellness Branding and Design

The Psychology of Color in Wellness Branding and Design

2023-11-01 02:07:43 | Lauren Karwoski | brand experience,creative ideas,marketing strategy,marketing tips,small business marketing,social media marketing

In the kaleidoscope of health and wellness, where every shade promises vitality and vigor, your brand can stand as a beacon of health, hope and well-being.

Your brand is not just a name, a logo, or a product; it’s a promise, an invitation, and a path to a healthier, happier life.

But, the art of wellness branding is more than just words and colors —it’s about tapping into human emotions and our hardwired reasons for motivation and making change.

In this blog, we’ll break down the power of color, and share with you the fascinating psychological responses to colors, and how using the right (or wrong) colors can impact your wellness brand.


How to Engage Your Audience

How to Engage Your Audience

2016-06-16 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | Business,marketing strategy,website

The introduction of social media into business practices drastically changed the marketing world. With social media, businesses now have the opportunity to put their message where their audience is. Whether your audience is active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another platform, you can easily connect with them. (more…)

Avoid These 5 Email Marketing Mistakes

Avoid These 5 Email Marketing Mistakes

2016-07-26 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | business tips,email marketing,marketing strategy

Email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool. You can reach your entire audience with the click of a button. What could be better than that?


3 Marketing Myths-Busted!

3 Marketing Myths-Busted!

2016-08-04 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | Business,business tips,marketing strategy

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving. What was once a major marketing trend a few months ago, could very well be obsolete by now. With so much information available to us in seconds, it can be difficult to determine what’s fact and what’s fiction. And when things are changing so rapidly, as they do in marketing, it can be even harder to tell.


3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Plan Your Marketing

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Plan Your Marketing

2016-09-13 16:26:18 | Karen Cummings | inbound marketing,marketing strategy,small business marketing

Ok, wait. Before you breathe that giant sigh of relief or jump for joy, you might want to read through to the end of this post. While we’ve got some reasons you don’t need to create your business’ marketing plan…you might not be too fond of the aftermath of that decision.


How to Maximize Your Marketing Performance with Analysis

How to Maximize Your Marketing Performance with Analysis

2017-02-06 13:00:00 | Brooke Kwasny | marketing strategy

“Digital marketing is basically just posting stuff to social media and writing a blog every once in awhile, right?”

Unfortunately, this is a common misconception.

Yes, digital marketing does include social media activity and content marketing. But if we all just posted to social media willy nilly, our businesses wouldn’t make it very far. (more…)

3 Baller Content Marketing Tactics to Up Your Content Marketing Game

3 Baller Content Marketing Tactics to Up Your Content Marketing Game

2017-02-02 13:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | marketing strategy

The days of obligatory, uninspired Facebook pages are over. In the fast changing world of digital, simply having a social media presence is no longer enough to draw in new customers, engage your existing clientele, or increase your profits. Instead, you need to focus on creating a digital marketing strategy that simultaneously generates leads, creates brand awareness, fathers your brand’s story, and closes sales.

Sound overwhelming? Don’t worry – we have the key to creating a baller digital presence that will help you achieve all of your business goals. (more…)

4 Internet Marketing Podcasts to Kick off 2017

4 Internet Marketing Podcasts to Kick off 2017

2017-01-19 13:00:00 | radiantmarketing | inspiration,marketing strategy

Podcasts are probably the most under-appreciated media in today’s fast paced digital world. While it’s true that, with all of the amazing content filling our feeds, podcasts usually go overlooked, it doesn’t have to be the case. A good internet marketing podcast can provide you with amazing advice, help you generate new ideas, and get your creative juices flowing. Plus, they’ll totally make your commute go by faster. (more…)

3 Creative Ideas We Saw in 2016 for 2017 Inspiration

3 Creative Ideas We Saw in 2016 for 2017 Inspiration

2017-01-12 13:00:00 | radiantmarketing | creative ideas,inspiration,marketing strategy

In the every-changing world of marketing, it seems like each new campaign is crazier and more creative than the last. In 2016, we saw hundreds of amazing campaigns from some of the world’s top brands. Some of the creative ideas launched by these companies were truly astounding – and, no doubt, expensive. We understand that not everyone has a million dollar budget, which is why we want to tell you about the 3 creative ideas that will inspire your small business marketing in 2017. (more…)