Health & Wellness Marketing: Addressing Shifts in Consumer Behavior

Health & Wellness Marketing: Addressing Shifts in Consumer Behavior

2021-03-25 14:40:00 | Karen Cummings | healthcare marketing,wellness marketing

This last year has taught us a lot. We’ve learned how quickly everything can change. As a result, I believe we’ve learned more about ourselves and our priorities than we may have ever learned in the past. 


Tips to Record & Edit Engaging Health and Wellness Video Marketing Content

Tips to Record & Edit Engaging Health and Wellness Video Marketing Content

2023-09-21 04:33:09 | Lauren Karwoski | digital marketing tips,healthcare marketing,marketing tips,social media marketing,wellness marketing

In the world of digital marketing, video content reigns supreme. Whether you’re a health service provider or health tech company, harnessing the power of video can help you educate, engage and convert your online audiences.


The #1 Fear of Working with a Marketing Agency

The #1 Fear of Working with a Marketing Agency

2021-06-25 22:14:49 | Karen Cummings | marketing strategy,wellness marketing

Our conversations with entrepreneurs over the years have revealed a common hesitation (or fear) in working with an outside marketing agency.


What it Means to Be a Radiant Client

What it Means to Be a Radiant Client

2021-04-30 20:00:54 | Karen Cummings | healthcare marketing,radiant marketing,wellness marketing

One of the most important elements of a successful relationship with your marketing agency is whether or not you actually like working with them. By no means do we want to diminish the importance of the outcomes generated by your work together, but we venture to suggest that the day-to-day interactions, communication and value-alignment is just as important.
