Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

2016-03-08 10:30:00 | Karen Cummings | focus,small business marketing,startups

There are always new trends in business. In the past few years we’ve seen great importance placed on company culture, digital marketing, customer service and so much more. Business is changing all of the time. But does that mean you need to jump on every trend?


Essential Guide to Building a Brand for Your Business

Essential Guide to Building a Brand for Your Business

2016-05-24 09:00:00 | Brooke Kwasny | Business,entrepreneur,starting a business,startups

Branding your business can be one of the most difficult parts of starting your own company. Many small business owners recognize branding as a key aspect of running a business, but a large percent don’t know why it’s important. (more…)

4 Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

4 Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

2016-02-29 14:22:33 | Karen Cummings | entrepreneur,small business marketing,startups

While being an entrepreneur has many perks – like working where and when you want, doing what you love and managing your own opportunities – there’s no doubt it can stressful too.
