5 Questions to Shape Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

5 Questions to Shape Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

2016-12-29 13:00:00 | radiantmarketing | social media marketing

Most businesses have a social media presence, but almost no one is using their social media content effectively. There’s a lot more to social media than sharing a photo album on your business’s page. (more…)

Capture and Engage Your Audience on Facebook

Capture and Engage Your Audience on Facebook

2017-03-31 10:00:00 | Christina Elfring | social media marketing

Let’s face it, most people quickly scroll, scroll, scroll through their Facebook News Feed. Most likely, they don’t have the patience or the time to go through lengthy content. So the question becomes: How can your message break through the noise and engage your audience for an extended amount of time? Visuals! (more…)

4 Tips From Our Professional Marketers That You Can Totally Steal

4 Tips From Our Professional Marketers That You Can Totally Steal

2017-04-13 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | digitial marketing tips,social media marketing

Marketers have one of the best jobs in the world (bias? what bias?). We get to help people achieve their vision and introduce creative new ways of thinking into situations every day. (more…)

139 Facts & Stats About Instagram One Should Be Aware of in 2017

139 Facts & Stats About Instagram One Should Be Aware of in 2017

2017-08-08 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | social media marketing

Instagram is a mobile photography application that Facebook bought for $1 billion in 2012. Website Builder.Org shares how it all started and lead to the BIG take over and how the company is doing now.


5 Tricks to Grow Your Instagram Following

5 Tricks to Grow Your Instagram Following

2018-02-01 12:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | social media marketing

Instagram has been around for a while now, and it’s not going anywhere any time soon. First launched in October 2010, Instagram now has more than 500,000,000 daily active users across the globe who contribute 80,000,000 photos per day.  It’s estimated that more than 55.8% of Americans have an Instagram account, representing a mind-bogglingly diverse demographic. (more…)

16 Rules to Build, Engage, & Convert Your Social Media Audience

16 Rules to Build, Engage, & Convert Your Social Media Audience

2019-03-15 14:00:00 | Karen Cummings | social media marketing

Managing and growing a social media following for your brand can feel exhausting – maybe even excruciating – at times. Your team is putting so much time into creating a social community, but you’re consistently falling short of expectations and goals. This is especially the case when you or someone on your team has been tasked with social media, but have no background in this area. You’re unsure of what you should be doing, or worse, you’re doing it wrong. (more…)

Generative AI & Marketing: Redefining Creativity and Productivity

generative AI

Generative AI & Marketing: Redefining Creativity and Productivity

2023-11-15 20:47:05 | Lauren Karwoski | AI,marketing strategy,marketing tips,small business marketing,social media marketing,work life balance

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s important to constantly be on the lookout for cutting-edge technologies and strategies that can elevate your services and deliver even more exceptional results to your clients.

We recently attended Google’s Next AI conference in Phoenix and walked away with our minds blown.

Today, we’re sharing some of our insights from the conferences, our take on the benefits of Generative AI, and specific use cases for revolutionizing creativity and productivity.


Radiant Team Attends The 2023 Meta Agency Summit

Radiant Team Attends The 2023 Meta Agency Summit

2023-11-15 19:38:20 | Lauren Karwoski | brand experience,creative ideas,marketing strategy,marketing tips,small business marketing,social media marketing

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. We understand this, which is why we constantly seek opportunities to learn, grow, and bring innovative strategies to our clients.

Recently, two of our team members, Lauren, our Content Strategist, and Tess, our Marketing Assistant, attended the Meta Agency Summit, a global virtual event designed to empower agencies with the latest insights and strategies to elevate performance marketing in the Meta technologies era.


The Google Antitrust Trial: What Is It and What Can Small Businesses Expect

The Google Antitrust Trial: What Is It and What Can Small Businesses Expect

2023-09-29 03:56:01 | Lauren Karwoski | marketing tips,small business,small business marketing,social media marketing

In recent tech and marketing news… the US Department of Justice, state attorneys, and global authorities are looking into the tech giant Google for possible unfair business practices. There is concern that Google’s strong position in search and advertising harms competition and consumers in a monopolizing way.

This has led to an unprecedented antitrust trial that is currently taking place.

We’ve broken down the key issues and potential outcomes of the trial to help you stay informed:
