The Small Business Summary from INBOUND 2018

The Small Business Summary from INBOUND 2018

2018-09-13 19:37:50 | Karen Cummings | inbound marketing

Wow, what a whirlwind start to this month! Our social media expert, Christina, and I just got back from HubSpot’s INBOUND 2018 and our brains are packed with incredible info that we can’t wait to share with you. There are a whole slew of new marketing tools, effective strategies and exciting new trends that are reshaping the marketing landscape for small businesses. We’re excited to be at the forefront of this change by helping to educate entrepreneurs about what’s available and implementing new initiatives based on these best practices for our clients.


The Most Important Inbound Marketing Metrics to Measure

The Most Important Inbound Marketing Metrics to Measure

2017-04-17 10:00:00 | Melissa Hultstrand | inbound marketing

There are a million inbound marketing metrics that you could analyze (seriously, a million – I counted). This is not a surprise to anyone who’s ever set up a dashboard, looked at it, tried to decode it, then quietly closed the window and said to themselves “that’s good… I think…”

Becoming an inbound marketing master isn’t just about creating the coolest of cool content and achieving crazy amounts of exposure – it’s also about evaluating your efforts and making calculated decisions to set yourself up for success. So how do you wade through the overwhelming mass of inbound marketing metrics? Read on for a rad Radiant Marketing breakdown of what to look for in your results. (more…)

Why Inbound Marketing Is So Important for Your Business

Why Inbound Marketing Is So Important for Your Business

2017-02-14 13:00:00 | Melissa Hultstrand | inbound marketing

Let’s be honest – the marketing world has completely transformed into a different beast in the last several years. Customers, once convinced by cold-calls and impromptu pitching, have become desensitized to all the old, overused marketing methods. They’ve seen it all, they’ve heard it all, they could care less about it all. (more…)

Marketing Automation: Is It Right for My Business?

Marketing Automation: Is It Right for My Business?

2016-05-03 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,inbound marketing,starting a business

Karen Cummings, founder of Radiant Marketing, provides strategic marketing solutions for small businesses.  She is passionate about creatively designing and implementing marketing strategies that build awareness and drive propsects, leads and customers for small businesses.


Understanding Customer Lifecycle Stages

Understanding Customer Lifecycle Stages

2016-04-26 09:30:00 | Karen Cummings | buyer journey,content strategy,inbound marketing

If you’re using inbound marketing and content to grow your business, it is important that you also understand Lifecycle Stages.


What are Inbound Links?

What are Inbound Links?

2016-03-29 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | inbound marketing

As a business owner dependent on their online presence to drive customers, you’ve probably heard that in order to get more traffic your site should include links.


The Power of Closed Loop Marketing

The Power of Closed Loop Marketing

2016-03-22 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | closed loop marketing,inbound marketing

If you have a desire to grow your business by attracting more customers and spending LESS time and money to do so, than I strongly suggest you explore closed loop marketing.


Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

2016-03-15 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | buyer journey,inbound marketing

Are 100% of the visitors who come to your site on the same stage of their purchase decision? Of course not. So how can we address those stages and ensure we’re moving everyone along to becoming customers? First, we must understand what the buyer’s journey looks like.


Super Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics to Keep in Your Arsenal

Super Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics to Keep in Your Arsenal

2016-05-17 09:00:00 | radiantmarketing | inbound marketing,marketing strategy,small business marketing

Hooray! Your lead generation campaign has successfully landed a lead. Your work is not done yet, though. Now it’s time to implement your lead nurturing tactics, because odds are a new lead is not quite yet ready for the sale. And, an effective lead nurturing campaign can be invaluable to your business. (more…)