How to Build a Powerful LinkedIn Presence

How to Build a Powerful LinkedIn Presence

2016-04-12 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,entrepreneur,small business marketing

Radiant Marketing Owner and Founder, Karen Cummings, is a wealth of knowledge about all things important to marketing your small business.  Karen has an infectious passion in assisting small businesses in successfully developing and executing on powerful and strategic marketing plans and simplifying and streamlining efforts through marketing automation and inbound marketing.  Her passion ignites others to help make a positive impact on small business and entrepreneurs .


5 Surefire Ways to Run a Productive and Effective Business Meeting

5 Surefire Ways to Run a Productive and Effective Business Meeting

2016-05-05 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,business tips
“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”  – Theophrastus

Studies show that you’re going to waste over 30 hours in meetings this month.  According to Atlassian, we spend a lot of time in meetings, and most of them will be insanely unproductive.  A business meeting can be a major waste of time in the world of work and it’s no secret that a lot of us hate them.  In fact, meetings are a bigger time snatcher than even social media or email! (more…)

Beat Distractions with these 3 Tips on Staying Focused at Work

Beat Distractions with these 3 Tips on Staying Focused at Work

2016-07-14 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,entrepreneur,focus

You’re sitting at your desk and Google effective tips for staying focused at work.  As you open up one article, you see Justin Timberlake is trending and click to find out why.  Now, you are in YouTube watching some of your favorite music videos that you haven’t seen for a long time.  You text your friend about that concert you went to back in college and go back and forth about weekend plans.  You open up Instagram and stay there for who knows how long.  Then, you realize you have 67 emails in your inbox. 


3 Ways You Can Prevent Work Burnout

3 Ways You Can Prevent Work Burnout

2016-07-12 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | Business,entrepreneur,focus

We’ve all been there. The to-do list is growing instead of shrinking, you’re starting to get overwhelmed, and the only thing you can think about is how many more minutes until you can leave and go home.


4 Ways to Brush Up On Your Networking Skills

4 Ways to Brush Up On Your Networking Skills

2016-06-23 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,business tips,entrepreneur,small business


Networking skills are invaluable to have and need to be refined no matter what stage of life you’re in.  It can help you land a job or client, build up a strong network and give you recognition among your peers.  For most, even the word ‘networking’ evokes feelings of fear, insecurity and may even make them want to run for the hills.  

While it may seem intimidating, taking advantage of developing professionally to make sure you don’t lose out on any opportunities on growing your business.   (more…)

How to Engage Your Audience

How to Engage Your Audience

2016-06-16 10:00:00 | radiantmarketing | Business,marketing strategy,website

The introduction of social media into business practices drastically changed the marketing world. With social media, businesses now have the opportunity to put their message where their audience is. Whether your audience is active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another platform, you can easily connect with them. (more…)

3 Effective Ways to Grow Your Healthcare Practice with Facebook

3 Effective Ways to Grow Your Healthcare Practice with Facebook

2016-06-14 18:35:45 | Karen Cummings | Business,healthcare marketing,social media marketing

Karen Cummings, founder of Radiant Marketing, provides strategic marketing solutions for small businesses.  She is passionate about creatively designing and implementing marketing strategies that build awareness and drive prospects, leads and customers for small businesses.  

As healthcare providers, just the mere thought of creating and maintaining a Facebook presence seems daunting.  But don’t rule out Facebook forever.  A well-optimized Facebook page and a consistent presence can be extremely powerful in generating patients for your practice.

It doesn’t have to be as hard as you may think.  Karen shares her expert tips on how to create and grow an effective Facebook page–easily!  



How to Make a Killer About Page

How to Make a Killer About Page

2016-06-09 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,entrepreneur,website

Writing a good about page is essential to your business’ success.  We believe it’s the most important page on your website since people buy from people.

You read that right!  New visitors visit your aboutpage to learn more about you and why they should stick around—and what’s in it for them!   And what’s more, they want to know NOW.  Not in ten seconds…right.  Now.   (more…)

Essential Guide to Building a Brand for Your Business

Essential Guide to Building a Brand for Your Business

2016-05-24 09:00:00 | Brooke Kwasny | Business,entrepreneur,starting a business,startups

Branding your business can be one of the most difficult parts of starting your own company. Many small business owners recognize branding as a key aspect of running a business, but a large percent don’t know why it’s important. (more…)

Business Copyright Rules for Social Media Marketing

Business Copyright Rules for Social Media Marketing

2016-10-06 10:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,social media marketing

If you’re using Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media marketing tools to promote your small business, you may already be well aware of some rules.  But did you know that there are business copyright rules that you must follow to stay out of expensive legal trouble? (more…)