Does Influencer Marketing Really Work

Does Influencer Marketing Really Work

2022-10-25 15:41:39 | Lauren Karwoski | Instagram,building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing


Does Influencer Marketing Really Work?

In the ever-changing world of marketing, it can seem like new strategies are popping up every month. One newer strategy that has stuck and gained traction over the last few years is ‘influencer marketing.’ This genre of social media marketing has shown proven results time and time again and has begun to get more refined and structured as the popularity of influencer culture increases worldwide. 


Finding and Using Your Brand Voice

brand voice

Finding and Using Your Brand Voice

2022-08-15 13:37:35 | Lauren Karwoski | building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing

Studies have found that consumers prefer brands with strong, unique personalities and great storytelling. Establishing a strong brand voice is truly the secret to making your brand come to life.


How To Write a Blog

How To Write a Blog

2022-09-26 12:48:27 | Lauren Karwoski | building your brand,content strategy,radiant marketing

How To Write a Blog

Meta, isn’t it? Reading a blog…about how to write a blog. In marketing, brands often underestimate just how impactful adding a frequently updated blog to their website can be. Not only does it provide another opportunity to convey and solidify your brand voice, but it can play an important part in search engine optimization (SEO).


3 Emotional Triggers That Convert Your Leads into Customers

3 Emotional Triggers That Convert Your Leads into Customers

2017-01-26 13:00:00 | radiantmarketing | building your brand,creative ideas,inspiration

Are you hoping to generate more customers who are excited about your brand and the products you’re selling? While it’s true that there is no instant recipe for success, it’s a lot easier than you think to capture leads who love your brand and convert them into customers. The solution is simple: you have to implement emotional triggers in your marketing that will excite consumers and move them to click that elusive purchase button. (more…)

Building a Brand Without Breaking the Bank

Building a Brand Without Breaking the Bank

2017-05-25 09:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | building your brand

Building a brand is an important part of creating and sustaining a successful business. Your brand is the way that your business defines itself: it’s of all of your marketing, customer service, and operational choices all rolled into one. When these things come together, they project a cohesive (or not so cohesive) identity to your team, your customers, and your potential consumers. (more…)

Brand Yourself, Catch Your Customers!

Brand Yourself, Catch Your Customers!

2018-01-11 12:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | building your brand,entrepreneur

If you’re anything like me, you know that gone are the days of firm handshakes and fancy suits. With the workplace getting increasingly more casual and more and more workers opting to telecommute, it’s no surprise that the standards for making a good first impression are changing. (more…)

Avoid These 3 Mistakes When Building a Brand

Avoid These 3 Mistakes When Building a Brand

2017-10-12 08:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | building your brand

Building a brand is not an easy task. It takes a lot of skill, hard work and passion – luckily, those are all skills that you have in spades! But even if you’re the most kickass girlboss in the world, making branding decisions can feel a little overwhelming. Here are the top 3 mistakes that small business owners make when building a brand (more…)

Brand Storytelling: Attract Your Tribe with a ‘True to You’ Message

Brand Storytelling: Attract Your Tribe with a ‘True to You’ Message

2019-03-08 14:00:00 | Melissa Little | building your brand

These days, attracting customers and patients is much less about jargon and canned messaging compared to the ‘olden days’ of messaging. Rather, it’s about the story you’re telling about your brand’s values and purpose, and if your audience can see themselves in that narrative. (more…)

How This Girlboss Team Found Success Up, Up and Away [Interview]

How This Girlboss Team Found Success Up, Up and Away [Interview]

2018-12-28 14:00:00 | Melissa Little | Women in Business,building your brand,girlboss

Floating isn’t an uncommon experience in Amanda and Stephanie Long’s business.

In fact, floating high above the Arizona desert (in nothing but a suspended basket) is at the core of what they do for a living. (more…)

4 Questions to Build Your Brand Companions

4 Questions to Build Your Brand Companions

2020-05-29 13:02:00 | Karen Cummings | building your brand

Identifying and building out your Brand Companions – or those ‘best fit’ individuals for your brand and offering – can be the most underrated part of a brand’s marketing strategy. Many entrepreneurs will dream up their ideal customers during the early stages of opening their business, but very few people actually put pen to paper and do their due diligence to build these profiles out.

But, here’s the thing – understanding your Brand Companions is what allows you to create an emotional connection with your prospects and ultimately increase sales with your most ideal customers.

Knowing your ideal audience, like you would know your best friend or partner, is what empowers brands to create marketing campaigns that actually work to attract and convert the customers that they want most.