Make Your Site Faster, Better, Stronger With a Marketing Grader

Make Your Site Faster, Better, Stronger With a Marketing Grader

2017-04-20 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | digitial marketing tips,marketing strategy

You’ve been working hard on your company’s website. You’ve put time and effort into its readability, and thought critically about the experience of your user. You’re implementing best practices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and you’ve developed a killer content strategy to help you attract the right people.

But how do you know if it’s all working?

The answer is simple: marketing graders! A marketing grader is an incredibly helpful tool designed to evaluate and grade your work, and to help you improve the performance of all of the awesome marketing strategies you are putting into action.

A good marketing grader is an indispensable tool for the novice – and, truthfully, the expert – marketer to have in their back pocket. It takes the guess work out of measuring the effectiveness of your hard work, and many of them will even give you suggestions to guide you on your way to conquering your business goals.

Different marketing graders do different things and navigating them can be a bit tricky when you’re first starting out. Which is why we’ve compiled the three marketing graders we love the most to help you get started.

3 Indispensable Marketing Graders


We love the HubSpot Marketing Grader, which collects data to help you understand how your marketing performs in relation to that of your competition. This particular marketing grader will also provide suggestions for improvement, and explains why you should take certain steps. Plus, it allows you to customize your report for top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel, and analytics, meaning that it is easy to figure out next steps no matter where you buyers are in their journey.


Nibbler will measure your website for accessibility, user experience, marketing, and technology. This marketing grader will give your website a grade in each of these four areas, and provide insights that can help you optimize your website. Nibbler will also provide insight for why you’ve received a certain grade, and make you aware of specific metrics that you might not have otherwise considered (like Facebook activity or errors in your website code).

If you’ve been working on implementing best practices or aren’t sure where your website could improve moving forward, Nibbler is a great marketing grader to get started.

Take your small business marketing efforts to the next level & download our Get it Glowing starter kit today!


DareBoost is a powerful marketing grader making waves in the digital marketing industry for its ability to analyze your website’s performance based on user experiences on specific devices or on their specific geographic location.

DareBoost provides incredibly valuable suggestions and can show you exactly where a problem has occurred. The program will also provide you with detailed solutions. It’s worth noting however, that DareBoost tends to be on the technical side, and the language it uses can seem intimidating if you aren’t a professional marketer. Don’t let that get you down! Check out our go-to recommendations for all entrepreneurs to help you decipher the lingo.