Girl Boss: Jenna Garcia, Infinity Coworking

Girl Boss: Jenna Garcia, Infinity Coworking

2017-09-18 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew |

Jenna Garcia is the owner of Infinity Coworking.  Infinity seeks to reignite you with a community where you can feed off interactions with other members to spark connection, collaboration and inspiration.  Read on to find out about Jenna and what motivates and inspires her everyday and what challenges she faces owning Infinity Coworking.

What’s the best part of your job?

The best part of building Infinity has been seeing my vision take form and attracting a community of individuals passionate about their work. I just love feeling the hum of energy when the space is full of members working and interacting.

What is it that excites/motivates you on a daily basis?

Connection. I’m a natural connector and I get really energized when I either get to connect with someone new or when I see members in Infinity connecting with each other.


What are the biggest challenges you face with your job?

Time. I love creating new ideas and being able to follow through on them, I have many visions for some really fun exciting way to keep expanding on my vision and passions but there are day-to-day less energizing tasks of running a business that end up hijacking my time.

Do you have any pets?

Much to our two boys disappointment we are currently petless, but are being lobbied pretty heavily for a dog.

What are you passionate about? What do you really enjoy?

Traveling, reading and a good cup of coffee.

Can you play any instruments?

Does the plastic recorder I learned in 4th grade count? 😉  One of my bucket list items is to learn to play the cello, I love the depth of emotions that the cello can reach.

What is your favorite cereal?

Omg, Cinnamon Toast Crunch hands down! Don’t tell my kids, Honey Nut Cheerios is as exciting as we get in our pantry.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Machu Pichu, Peru and the Croatian coastline, they’re tied in my book currently. I will be traveling to Peru in September so hopefully can start to plan Croatia next!

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To stop time. Growing up I watched a show called Out of This World where the main character had the power to stop time. Ever since I’ve always dreamed of being able to manipulate time like that.

Where did you grow up?

Walnut Creek, CA which is a suburb of San Francisco

What does your morning routine look like?

Coffee on the patio, preferably before kids and husband are awake. Being able to wake-up on my own and watch the sunrise gives me some quiet reflection about how I want to feel and get out of my day before the chaos begins.

What time do you wake up?  Go to bed?

I’m usually up around 5am, I like to be the first one up in the morning it makes me feel on top of my day and because of this I’m usually in bed by 9.

526338013.jpgIf you could play any sport professionally, which one would you play and why?

I used to swim competitively at an elite level in high school, many of my fellow swimmers went on to participate and medal in the Olympic games. I turned down swimming at a collegiate level because at the time there was not such a thing as a “professional swimmer” so I chose to dedicate my time to my studies and future. I’m happy to see now however, that there are more options for swimmers to have a professional track. I’m not sure if I were in high school now if it would have changed my trajectory but I do love the sport and the lessons I learned at a young age.

What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

Weekend adventures outdoors with my boys. We love to explore new hiking trails and the whole family is most harmonious when we’re doing something active outside.

What is your favorite quote?  

Glinda the Witch from Wizard of Oz (to Dorothy) “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself”

What is your favorite holiday and why?

Thanksgiving, I love the change of the season, the gathering of family and the calm before the craziness of the holiday season build-up.

Do you love or hate rollercoasters? 


What was your favorite subject in school?

Math, I loved being able to solve a problem

What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?

I have so many where to start? Right now I’m super excited about my upcoming trip to Peru, we’re going with goods friends and is probably are most adventure themed yet as we are spending 6 days hiking up to Machu Pichu staying at lodges along the way that offer massages and wine tasting after your day of hiking. I can’t wait to take in the beauty of as we hike through mountains, glacier valleys and a cloud forest on our way to magical Machu Picchu.

As our kids are getting older I’m also looking forward to showing them the world as well. My dream would be to the spend the summer exploring another continent with them.