Featuring Women Entrepreneurs

Featuring Women Entrepreneurs

2016-05-16 11:00:00 | Karen Cummings | entrepreneur,small business,starting a business

As a woman-owned business, Radiant Marketing is passionate about recognizing other female entrepreneurs and their successful endeavours. As of April 2015, 29% of America’s businesses were owned by women, and that number continues to grow.

In an effort to inspire and empower other women interested in pursuing their passion of owning a business, we will be sharing our interviews with 4 Arizona-based, female rockstar entrepreneurs. These #girlbosses (thank you, Sophia Amoruso of Nasty Gal for bestowing upon us such an apt name) all started their own businesses, and today they’re thriving!

Stay tuned to find out why these women opened their businesses, what challenges they’ve faced, and what advice they have for future #girlbosses.

Keep an eye out for our first ever Women Rockstar Wednesday, when we publish the first interview!