10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read [Checklist]

10 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read [Checklist]

2015-12-12 05:00:22 | radiantmarketing | small business marketing

For most entrepreneurs, from the moment we wake up we’re already reading something. Emails, tweets, news articles—some of us can read thousands of words before 10 a.m.! But in these content-saturated times, are you making time amid your crazy schedule to read content of true value?


Featuring Women Entrepreneurs

female entrepreneurs

Featuring Women Entrepreneurs

2016-05-16 11:00:00 | Karen Cummings | entrepreneur,small business,starting a business

As a woman-owned business, Radiant Marketing is passionate about recognizing other female entrepreneurs and their successful endeavours. As of April 2015, 29% of America’s businesses were owned by women, and that number continues to grow.


We Love Small Business!

We Love Small Business!

2016-05-11 12:30:00 | radiantmarketing | small business

We are passionate about small business! We are a small business helping other small businesses achieve their dreams! In honor of Small Business Week, we are featuring fun facts about our business leaders.


5 Surefire Ways to Run a Productive and Effective Business Meeting

5 Surefire Ways to Run a Productive and Effective Business Meeting

2016-05-05 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,business tips
“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”  – Theophrastus

Studies show that you’re going to waste over 30 hours in meetings this month.  According to Atlassian, we spend a lot of time in meetings, and most of them will be insanely unproductive.  A business meeting can be a major waste of time in the world of work and it’s no secret that a lot of us hate them.  In fact, meetings are a bigger time snatcher than even social media or email! (more…)

How to Build a Powerful LinkedIn Presence

How to Build a Powerful LinkedIn Presence

2016-04-12 09:00:00 | Jessica Van Liew | Business,entrepreneur,small business marketing

Radiant Marketing Owner and Founder, Karen Cummings, is a wealth of knowledge about all things important to marketing your small business.  Karen has an infectious passion in assisting small businesses in successfully developing and executing on powerful and strategic marketing plans and simplifying and streamlining efforts through marketing automation and inbound marketing.  Her passion ignites others to help make a positive impact on small business and entrepreneurs .


Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

Keeping the Focus in Business + Marketing

2016-03-08 10:30:00 | Karen Cummings | focus,small business marketing,startups

There are always new trends in business. In the past few years we’ve seen great importance placed on company culture, digital marketing, customer service and so much more. Business is changing all of the time. But does that mean you need to jump on every trend?


Visual Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

Visual Based Post [Blogging Blueprint]

2016-02-22 15:15:14 | |


An image post uses a visual element as the centerpiece of your post, such as a SlideShare presentation, infographic, comic, or high-resolution images.

Use your introduction to provide a caption for your image(s). Why is it valuable? What’s the point? Image posts don’t require a lot of text, so choose your words wisely.

Here are some examples of how we use Visual blog posts here at HubSpot:

  • A Visual History of Google Algorithm Changes [Infographic]
  • Can a Career in B2B Marketing Be Fulfilling? [SlideShare]
  • A Sampling of the Sexiest Business Blogs on the Internet
  • (more…)