What Do Your Email Open Rates & Click Rates Tell You?

What Do Your Email Open Rates & Click Rates Tell You?

2016-04-19 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | email marketing

You’re spending valuable time creating content for your emails. Each time your team sits down to craft some captivating content for your communications with prospects or customers, you are envisioning a certain outcome. Whether they are newsletters or sales emails, you want to be eliciting some sort of response or engagement. But are you seeing a return on the investment you’re making in your email marketing?  (more…)

What are Inbound Links?

What are Inbound Links?

2016-03-29 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | inbound marketing

As a business owner dependent on their online presence to drive customers, you’ve probably heard that in order to get more traffic your site should include links.


The Power of Closed Loop Marketing

The Power of Closed Loop Marketing

2016-03-22 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | closed loop marketing,inbound marketing

If you have a desire to grow your business by attracting more customers and spending LESS time and money to do so, than I strongly suggest you explore closed loop marketing.


Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

2016-03-15 09:00:00 | Karen Cummings | buyer journey,inbound marketing

Are 100% of the visitors who come to your site on the same stage of their purchase decision? Of course not. So how can we address those stages and ensure we’re moving everyone along to becoming customers? First, we must understand what the buyer’s journey looks like.


4 Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

4 Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

2016-02-29 14:22:33 | Karen Cummings | entrepreneur,small business marketing,startups

While being an entrepreneur has many perks – like working where and when you want, doing what you love and managing your own opportunities – there’s no doubt it can stressful too.


Starting a Business: Avoid these 2 Critical Mistakes

Starting a Business: Avoid these 2 Critical Mistakes

2016-02-22 15:56:39 | Karen Cummings | small business marketing,starting a business

It was the summer of 2011 and I was about to embark on an entirely new journey in life. Not only was I going to marry to an amazing man that November, I had also decided I was going to be starting a business of my own.


Super Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics to Keep in Your Arsenal

Super Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics to Keep in Your Arsenal

2016-05-17 09:00:00 | radiantmarketing | inbound marketing,marketing strategy,small business marketing

Hooray! Your lead generation campaign has successfully landed a lead. Your work is not done yet, though. Now it’s time to implement your lead nurturing tactics, because odds are a new lead is not quite yet ready for the sale. And, an effective lead nurturing campaign can be invaluable to your business. (more…)

Marketing Techniques: 4 Roadblocks to a Successful Marketing Campaign

Marketing Techniques: 4 Roadblocks to a Successful Marketing Campaign

2016-01-21 04:00:59 | radiantmarketing | small business marketing

We all make mistakes. And launching a successful marketing campaign isn’t easy. There are definitely roadblocks out there for businesses when it comes to running a successful marketing campaign.


The Meteoric Rise Of Instagram As A Marketing Platform

The Meteoric Rise Of Instagram As A Marketing Platform

2016-01-18 12:58:23 | radiantmarketing | Business,social media marketing
