3 Game-Changing Inbound Marketing Trends

3 Game-Changing Inbound Marketing Trends

2017-03-16 10:00:00 | Khylie Gardner | inbound marketing

If 2016 was the year of content (it was), then 2017 is shaping up to be the year of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is a strategy that helps marketers to attract consumers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful to them, as opposed to being interruptive to their daily lives.

Inbound has been on the rise for a while, and now we can safely say that it is here to stay. Here are the inbound marketing trends to keep an eye on this year.

3 Must-Watch Inbound Marketing Trends

Buyer Personas

In order to create content that interests your customers, you need to have a detailed idea of who exactly those customers are. Buyer personas will continue to be tops in the world of inbound marketing trends throughout 2017. You should know your customers’ age, interests, spending habits and lifestyle. The more that you know about your customers, the more effective the buyer persona will be. Use these personas to create content that entertains your audience or solves their problems, and then reap the rewards.

Nurture Your Leads

Inbound marketing trend #2: show ‘em that you care. In an often over-saturated digital space, we all have to work a lot harder to create relationships with potential customers. Help your leads become customers by creating content that serves them at every step of their decision-making process. This can take many forms, including: digital downloads, personalized emails, or social media advertisements. One thing is for sure – if you want your inbound marketing strategy to work, you have to step up your lead nurturing game.

Keep The Emails Interesting

The slog of email marketing can often feel overwhelming, or else get placed on the back burner entirely – but email is still the most lucrative of inbound marketing tactics, and 2017 is the year that it steps back into the limelight as one of the most important inbound marketing trends to look out for.

If you expect anyone to actually open your email blasts, lackluster emails just won’t do. To succeed in the inbound game, your emails will need to be both visually appealing and full of well-written copy that entices your audience to perform a specific action.

The world of digital marketing changes fast, and a good strategy will always need to adapt to the trends of the times. Inbound is here to stay, but we’re sure that we’ll continue to see this exciting field evolve as 2017 unfolds.

